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Most author biography pages are written by other people. An editor, a friend, or even a publisher. Not this one. This is directly from the author. My name is Jack Pierce. I am 31 at the time of writing this. Born in Richmond, VA, in 1989.


I currently reside in Richmond and have moved all over the place, though. Richmond was the city that kept calling me back. It’s the city that Drova is based on, after all.


I started writing when I was in sixth grade. The reason I started writing was because I had fallen in love with horror films. The first one I ever saw was “Scream” from 1996. I borrowed that tape from my sister’s best friend, and I give her all the credit in the world for making me a horror fanatic.


I had an English teacher in sixth grade who saw that I wasn’t really paying attention in class, and instead, I was writing a lot. It was mainly out of boredom because you couldn’t bring a Gameboy to class, and frankly, I don’t think I even had one at the time!


That teacher asked to see what I was writing, and she “loved it,” which I doubted, but she encouraged me to write my stories and turn them in for grades instead of doing the work. She knew trying to get me to pay attention was pointless. I never saw her again after that grade, but I’ll never forget her.


The stories I wrote back then were all what you would call “Fan fiction” today, where I would take me and my friends and put us inside my favorite games. My first story was of me and my brother fighting this monster called Jacko, and he was this big winged monster like Ogre from Tekken 3. When my brother, who was my hero at the time, punched it, the face came off, and it was a terminator! It was crazy stuff, but I was 10!


One, in particular, I remember writing in detention was a 20-page “manuscript” that was a lot like the game Silent Hill. I also had a short story that I wanted to turn into a youtube series called “Escape From Hell,” which eventually became “The White Room” saga in my first novel, Second Sight.


The detention teacher in middle school had this thing where if you didn’t look busy, you had to grab a dictionary and start copying. That was a huge inspiration for me to write, and when I got in trouble, I didn’t even mind because it gave me more time to write. I enjoyed writing more than school by far.


So I thank my sister’s best friend, my detention teacher, and that sixth-grade English teacher I had for this career I have chosen to chase. But most of all, I thank you, my readers, the people who read my books, love them, and even if you never gave us a dime and pirated it! I’m still grateful that you read my book, but c’mon… if you pirated it, at least throw me a review on Amazon! Those are worth their weight in gold!


God bless all of you, and I hope you enjoy my books and cherish them the way I do!

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